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VT_453 04-07-2003 03:23 PM

below richmond, county right below petersburg.

DeezUU 04-07-2003 04:15 PM

Originally posted by VT_453
blah blah blah ...... It even has a button I can use to put it in fastest mode, which will give me the speed of the fastest vehicle it is recieving. This is helpfull if there are 2 or 3 slow cars in front of a vehicle that is going faster then they are. You can hear the audible doppler tone waver, meaning it is getting more then one reflection back. Hit the fastest button, it will show you the fastest object that is in your scope of radar at the time..... blah blah " im gonna get chu sucka " blah blah ....
So ... when you hit this button on ... lets say a nice turn .... can you determine which car is actually travelling the fastest ??? or do you use your superior intellect to place fate on an innocent bystander ??? In a turn , the inside auto will appear to travel faster than the outer car , yet the outer can be travelling at a faster speed . Are your eyes the only judge of speed at this point ??? Curious ?!?! ( not in a PM because I think the masses should know about this ! )

VT_453 04-07-2003 05:48 PM

Dont worry, ill answer anything here....

On a curve, depending on the angle, you will have a cosine effect take place. The further the target (your vehicle) is off the axis of my vehicle's travel, the target's shown speed will be lowered. You may be going 60, but since it is such an angle, the speed will be shown as 56 or 57. Radar only works at about 37 or 38 degree's total field vision if i remember correctly. Radar is not really meant to be used in a curve, but any error in that curve will be to the target's advantage. In the situation like you presented, if the curve is severe enough, i wont worry about what came up because i do not feel that i have enough of a tracking history to make a stop. If i am moving into the same curve, it will be hard to tell especially which one is going at what speed, but you can also see who is passing who before the curve, during the curve, and after the curve if the target speeds do not change. As always though, if i am not sure, why stop. If you are driving down the road, how hard is it really to tell which car is going faster then others? Some instances it is difficult, but the times you can see the vehicles for a decent distance, its not very hard. Thats kind of the way a tracking history works for a radar summons.

Mugent3/t4e 04-09-2003 05:00 PM

Originally posted by FutureProspect
dinwiddie? isnt that in richmond?
not really.

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