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AFJetta2.0 09-13-2003 02:30 AM

frikkin morons. thats my road, find your own.

WithoutRegret88 09-14-2003 08:14 PM

I got enough stories on that. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, go down that road at two am, and sit there a second or two (before the cops pull you over). If you notice, at night the wind doesnt blow down there, and you hardly EVER hear crickets or frogs and stuff. My sister and my brother went down that road, and they got sick. I went down it, and the same thign happened to me, and I got a nosebleed once I passed the bridge. Had nightmares for a week too. That road's nothing to mess with. Someone I know said a friend of theirs joked about going "tagging" on that wall right as you go around the turn, and they did it, but wound up flipping the car sideways and smashing the guy into the wall. Said his blood did the tagging for him. Kinda wierds me out. But, for those of you that were plannign to do that Blair Witch thing, sometimes stuff shows up in Pictures and on video that you can't see with the naked eye. Would be somethign to try.

Preludedrvr97 09-15-2003 06:15 AM

Ya I like to piss off the bridge onto cars!.hahahaha......and that road sucks ass if your car is lowered...not a good idea. Freaky kinda...go about 11:00pm.... stop in the middle of the road... and then turn off your lights.

4nmusle 09-15-2003 08:26 AM

Man its just one of the only roads left with no lights.

AFJetta2.0 09-15-2003 03:40 PM

i lived on that road, drove up and down it all night long, went camping, played paintball at night, pretty much did whatever, and none of that shit is true, in the last 10 years only 3 people have died on that road that were not driving cars like morons, the airman that got shot up, the joggin chick that got raped and murdered and a guy that hit a deer and was killed by the antlers. about 15 kids have died in accidents because they were stupid and flipped their cars or tried to play chicken with trees. unless you know the road, don't even try and do more than 50. I think the stupidest thing i've ever done is break 100 on that road in a vette. and the only freaky thing about the bridge is the turn before it, where i myself have seen at least 4 people flip their cars. its a hard left with a 10 degree outside bank and a pothole at the inside apex.

Slimsta Jimsta 09-15-2003 03:47 PM

my uncle and his fraternity brothers had to do some sort of project on crawford road, and i was asking him about it and he said that the last serial killer in this area had been killing people on that road(i'm not sure how long ago that was), maybe he was just trying to scare me but he looked real serious:dunno:

Attrayant 09-15-2003 04:15 PM

whats the deal with the airman that was shot? I missed hearing about that one.

Nastystage2 09-15-2003 07:19 PM

one of my friends found a dead body in the ditch a few years ago, pretty nasty, but about all the stories, i cant say that they are true or fake....
but i know a few people that have said go to the bridge at 2am on a friday night, go under the bridge and roll back and forth 3 times, then come to a complete stop and sit there for 2 mintues and see what happens............... well, me being a dumbass, me and 3 of my friends went down there one friday night after a party and we had a pretty good buzz, but anyway we tried rolling back and forth and then stopping, well when we stopped we were facing towards goosley road... so, we timed ourselves so we could get the hell outta there, well all of a sudden the car cut off, head lights still on, then they cut off, doors then locked themselves then the dome lights came on..... so we tried to crank the car but the car wouldnt turn over, we figured the battery was dead, but the dome lights were on, so then we tried to cut the head lights on, wouldnt come on, then the doors unlocked, head lights came on and car started, when we looked up the car was facing toward the woods, when we stopped we were facing goosley road!! but thats not all, red drops were dripping on the windshield and then we looked into the woods and there was a black guy atleast 6ft 5 or so was standing there in all black with a gun and a white guy was hanging in a tree beside him...... wether we were just tripping out or not this shit really happened and if i could get them other guys that were with me that night to talk about it they would, but everytime we ever talk about this something bad happens, last time i mentioned it my grandfather died 4 days later, he wasnt sick or anything! weird??

oh yeah forgot to mention, the next day the owner of the car woke up and went outside to find blood drops on the windshield!!
and i know your thinking yeah right the driver did all that shit, no he didnt that bitch was in the floor board screaming!! and for that black guy, i dreamed about that shit for a few nights, but didnt get sick or anything! just scared as hell!

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